Palazzo Bondoni Pastorio Foundation

People, ideas, sinergy

Established in 2008, thanks to the passion and generosity of
Maria Simonetta Bondoni Pastorio (1954-2012), last descendant of the family,
The Palazzo Bondoni Pastorio Foundation (FPBP) has rapidly established itself as a point of reference for cultural activities of absolute importance, 
both locally and nationally and internationally.



Giulio Busi


Giulio is a scholar of Judaism and Renaissance history. He is particularly involved in these areas of research and teaching at the Foundation. When necessary, he lends a hand in the many activities of the Palace, from graphics to accounting, from logistics to publications.


Silvana Greco


Silvana is a sociologist of culture and art. She follows the sociological research projects of the Foundation, conceives and organizes art exhibitions and takes care of the realization of concerts and public events.


Luigi Attademo

Music Director

An internationally renowned guitarist, musicologist and teacher, Luigi invests his refined musical and philosophical culture in the Foundation's concert programming. And it is thanks to him that the Palazzo resounds with perfect harmonies.


Soul, mind, arms of the Foundation, 
volunteers are a key element 
of our cultural project. 
From the beginning, one year after another, from one undertaking to the next,
with intelligence and enthusiasm. 

Welcome to the Palace! 
Giulia Artioli, Mariagrazia Bellentani, Giovanna Bondioli, Lucilla Gerevini, Daria Magagnotti, 
Giorgio Sgarbi, Giulia Tomasi, Attilia Zappettini 
are ready for you


Research, education, music:
in the premises of Palazzo Bondoni Pastorio, so rich in history and art,
the culture is alive.
Concerts, exhibitions, meetings, the Foundation's activity is intense and manifold.
And it also extends into digital space.
Our online courses, videos and publications 
spread our love for the past.
And our passion for the future.

Since 2009 the Foundation has opened and manages 
the Museum of Palazzo Bondoni Pastorio.

For its scientific commitment, the Foundation has been included by the MIUR in the Italian National Register of Research.


Culture is collaboration, synergy, exchange.
The Foundation is at the centre of a dense network of relationships and projects.
Shared dreams are those that come true.

Here is a list of our partners:

Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana,
Ambasciata d'Italia a Berlino,
Amici di Palazzo Te e dei Musei mantovani,
Archivio Emilio Isgrò,
Città di Castiglione delle Stiviere,
Comunità ebraica di Mantova,
COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology,
Croce Rossa Italiana,
Deutsches rotes Kreuz,
Fondazione Comunità Mantovana,
Fondazione Palazzo Ducale Genova,
Fondazione Palazzo Te,
Freie Universität Berlin,
Goren Monti Ferrari Foundation, 
IIFCA_Fondazione Italia Israele per la Cultura e le Arti,
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement,
Istituto italiano di cultura di Berlino,
Istituto Mantovano di storia contemporanea,
Istituto Statale Francesco Gonzaga,
Japanese Red Cross Society,
Lyons Club Castiglione delle Stiviere,
Médecins sans frontières,  
Museo Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga di Mantova
Museo internazionale della Croce Rossa di Castiglione delle Stiviere,
Museo nazionale dell'ebraismo italiano e della shoah,
Orchestra da camera di Mantova,
Provincia di Mantova,
Regione Lombardia,
Rotary Club Castiglione delle Stiviere e Alto Mantovano,
Scuola svizzera di Milano,
Società svizzera di Milano,
Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Bergamo e Brescia,
Terre dell'Alto Mantovano,
Università degli Studi di Bologna,
Università della Svizzera italiana,
University of the West of England

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